Friday, September 18, 2009

Flash Friday 55 (The Bus) Yep its a little longer than 55

There I was holding his hand.
Just the two of us.
Smiling and singing
The Wheels on the Bus.

Waiting for the bus, we
watched as car after car
passed us by, still no bus.

Finally I saw it at the
lights, I watched it turn.
It was approaching our
house. The bus stopped
and, I walked him to the door
and helped him get loaded.

He looked excited at first,
then turned around and gave
me that look of come on mom
what are you waiting for?

I smiled at him and said,
its okay buddy, your going
to school. My heart sank.

*sorry I exceeded my 55 but it was the first bus ride for my little guy today and one of the hardest things to do*


anthonynorth said...

Been there many times - I have 7 kids. And it always tugs at the heart.

Shadow said...

it as hard for the mom as it is for the little one....

g-man said...

I'll let it slide....

Excellent story...

You are a very loving Mom, and you write from the heart.
Thanks for visiting, and thanks for being on time this week....:P

Dr.John said...

What's a few extra words among friends?

Mine is posted


Nessa said...

I remember those days. I think its harder on us than on them.