Friday, January 29, 2010

Flash friday 55 theres two this week (intro #1)

The Intro

The challenges of life aren't always fair.
Sometimes we are left with our mouths open wide
and our jaws on the floor in disbelief.

I always say, that we are given so many challenges, to make us stronger, and
to prove we can handle it, and to learn a valuable lesson. We become more aware.

Part 2

Today we are facing an unexplained challenge. The
end to a life so young and without explanation.

As tears pour from our eyes, we remember the man,father,son,nephew, cousin, godfather, brother-n-law, husband, friend. No words can express our shock. No symptoms, no warning. Gone from our lives too soon. We will always remember you. May you rest in peace. Love your family.

*This is in honor of my brother-in-law who passed away late Tuesday night 1/26/2010 at the young age of 45 years. We will miss you Brian rest in peace.*

Friday, January 22, 2010

Flash Friday 55 (Life is Precious)

Life in itself is precious.
There are simple things that
help make life even more precious.

Such as the sound of children's laughter,
the smell of a new baby, birds singing, sun shining
flowers blooming, the twinkling of stars, the glow of the
moon, the warmth of the sun, the morning dew, and a smiling face.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Flash Friday 55(oh the places he will roam)

The first time we met
we knew he was the one for us.
He was a little ball of fun.
He had those take me home puppy
eyes, and the cute button nose. He had
huge paws that made me smile, cause
I knew we were going to have a big pup.
Although it has only been two days since you
past, we miss you and love you so much. We hope
you have met grampy in heaven, we hope you are running,
playing, and fishing, oh the places you can roam. If only you
were home.

*Goodbye to our 8 1/2 month old black lab who was struck by a school bus on Wednesday morning 1/6/2010. We love and miss you Dodger. Scroll down to see pics of him*

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A terrible Loss, We love you Dodger, Goodbye.

As some of you might know or remember we had searched a lot for a pup to bring home that would be a good fit for our kids as well as one that would be suitable to be a pediatric therapy dog. We had found him and brought him home to be a part of our family on July 2, 2009 when he was just 7 1/2 weeks old. A beautiful black lab. We named him Dodger. He was 100% pure puppy. He would get into everything and anything and make us yell but, we loved him so much. Today we are saying goodbye to our beloved baby of 8 1/2 months. Dodger was struck in the early morning today by a school bus. We love him and miss him. To one heck of a puppy we love ya rest in peace buddy.