Saturday, July 12, 2008

Do not miss out on Animal Kingdom

Okay the last time I visited Disney it was thirteen years ago. So Animal Kingdom did not exist. Well it has been a big part of Disney for ten years now. The safari covers so much at Disney and enables guests to see an array of animals that you can't even get in the zoo. We saw reticulated giraffes, beautiful red macaws, white rhinos, tigers, zebras, hippos, crocs, monkeys and so many more.

The park is very clean as is anything to do with Disney. We traveled Africa, Asia, discovery island and dinoland. Everything was a wonderful experience to young and old.

We took in the musical of Finding Nemo yes it was a musical and yes it was terrifically done. The colors were vibrant and the actors were awesome. We saw a 3D show of a bugs life and that was wonderful.

We visited Rafikis planet watch which host a lot of endangered animals and tells wonderful tips on how to keep the animals safe in our environment.

I also learned while in the bathroom that a boa constrictor poops only once every 2 to 3 weeks this was on the door in the bathroom on the "scoop on poop fact sheet." Oh the things you can learn at Disney.

We got to see a wonderful parade, and whatever you do don't miss out on the safari ride too much fun and just so much to see. The guides are all so pleasant.


Anonymous said...

Sounds fabulous. All those continents in one place!

Head Cookie said...

All of them in one place and I think that Animal Kingdom is one part of Disney you don't want to miss.