Friday, August 21, 2009

Flash Friday 55 (Wee He's Three)

Wee he's three,
blue eyes
nobby knees
as sweet as can be.

My baby boy
is now big
imagine that!

Oh how fast
the time
has gone.

a laugh that
could make anyone
spontaneously giggle.

My little boy
he's growed up
and what a handsome
little dude.

Wee he's three!

*Just wanted to let everyone know my son has had two more oncology visits. He is doing much better and does not have to go for any additional follow ups unless a problem arises. His blood counts have come up and he is doing good. Thank you all for your prayers and keeping us in your thoughts it means a lot to me. He turned three Wednesday of this week he is a big boy now lol. I do want to say I am sorry for not getting to blogs last week the doctors schedules and blood draws were a bit much I am here and back to read so TGIF everyone!!!*

My second Flash Friday 55 for this week cause I was a slacker last week lol (The Beach)

To smell the ocean air
the hear the seagulls
squeal with delight.

Feel the warm sand
sift between your toes,
hear children laugh
as they bury a friend
in the sand.

See a kite soaring
in the air.
Smell the scents
wafting from the

People are red
from sunburn
some golden with
a tan. Beach Days

Friday, August 7, 2009

Flash Friday 55 (A caring Acknowledgment)

A hug, a kiss

a caring acknowledgment.

Deafening Silence,
a nod, perhaps
a reply.

A caring acknowledgement.

A smile, laughter,
or a tear or two.

A caring acknowledgement.

Words of wisdome,
Advice, a touch of
the shoulder, or a
hand to hold.

A caring Acknowledgement.

A whisper of encouragement,
sighs of relief.

A caring Acknowledgement.

*As some of you know my son has been in the hospital he turns 3 this month. He got to come home yesterday and had a great night last night stayed fever free. He is being treated for neutropenia which is low white blood cell count. His is extremely low. We still have no answers to what caused it they are hoping viral, but he will be undergoing a lot of test in the upcoming weeks so please keep us in your thoughts. To those who have been saying prayers for my little guy thank you so much I appreciate it.*

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Seeing the World (3rd entry)

Wow after our long flight and being shuttled to our hotel, we all decided to take a half hour nap okay so it turned into an hour. Then we decided we were going to hit the hotel pool. Wow you wouldn't believe the weather. I thought we were sweating at home, this is an insta diet. Although I have to say the humidity is not that bad but wow oh wow the temps in the hundreds.

Okay well this pool is awesome. Not too many other people were in it when we arrived to hop in. About a handful or so. We did find two other families of touristy people from the states which was cool we will be joining them in the hotel dining room this evening. They have also told us of some cool tours that will be happening all week, and just where we need to go to sign up. So we are going to do that and join them so that we have others to enjoy our Egyptian visit with. They also have kids yahoo!!!

The pool was like bath water, absolutely wonderful. I think we all could of just stayed in it all night. It was just so relaxing after a long plane ride, and then a shuttle ride.

After our swim it was back to the room for showers and changing into clothes for dinner. Shorts and t-shirts, flip flops you know totally relaxing and casual nothing fancy here lol.

We met for 6:15 with the two other families in the dining room. At dinner my group we decided to try something out of the norm for us. I tried the signature dish of Egypt, yes they have one and it is Bamia=sweet and sour Okra. How neat and what a great flavor to it.

The kids tried some different kinds of pasta and chicken dishes but ofcourse lol but it was different from fried chicken or baked chicken breast at home.

As we were dining they had some great music playing and then we all heard it yes we heard the Egypt Anthem (which you can listen to in my sidebar) it was very neat to say the least.

Well we all went to a local park to view some flower gardens and waterfalls, and then back to the hotel to say goodnight and in the morning we will all meet up for a shuttle to a place that has camels guess we are going to hop on a camel and off to the pyramids hmmm can't wait.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Seeing the world continued

Now that its settled and our first destination for one whole glorious week will be to Egypt. Yep thats right Egypt (see below entry to see what is going on lol) Okay after doing our flight research and hotel research, it will cost me with 5 kids one of which gets upgraded to an adult for this trip and this trip only and the baby gets upgraded to child vs's infant status for this trip and this trip only. After airline fees and taxes roundtrip for the six of us leaving Windsorlocks CT. and landing in Cairo Egypt will cost $8188.00 that is $1,364.00 each. Okay that is without any additional bags which ofcourse would cost and additional fee charged by the lovely airline. The flight will take place on a Delta plane. There will be a total of two stops. Once landing in Cairo we will be shuttled off to our four star hotel which is the Sonesta Hotel and Casino Cairo. Ahhh to travel the world in luxury. More to come so stay tuned. Enjoy our trip as much as we do lol.
*pics are of:top pic is of the sonesta hotel and casino Cairo bedroom, the pool, the hotel at night, the hotel during the day, the side bar has the Egyptian Anthem*

Seeing the World

A couple of summers ago the kids and I decided that throughout the summer we would pick a country, or a state whatever our hearts desired and that would be where we would travel. When I say travel not physically but we would live it up as if we had been there. Finding out as much info as possible and then trying a signature dish from that specific place. Well some of the kids were just too small to help with all the research and the older kids didn't think it was fair to get stuck with all the research work. Well fast forward to the summer of 2009 where everyone can read and write with the exception of one who will be 3 in a few more weeks, everyone is excited. Well today at lunch time I put 12 pieces of paper folded up. The places were Hawaii, Egypt, or Alaska. Well after everyone took their picks and gave me the papers still folded I opened each of them up and put them down accordingly. Three went into the pile of Egypt one in Alaska. So needless to say Egypt won, and our research has begun. I will be sure to post some interesting info here as well as pics from when we have our Egyptian meal can't wait. So off to the pyramids we go on the backs of our camels. Bon voyage and we will keep you posted when we return.
*The pics are the Lotus which is Egypt's flower, the arabian camel, and two pics of the pyramids*