Friday, February 27, 2009

Flash 55 (butterflies life)

To touch the sky
floating miles high

Arms spread
eyes closed

colors in hues
of orange, yellow and red
Perhaps a splash of blue

To land ever so delicately
amongst a petal of a lilly

To be awed at
to be free to glide where ever
the wind takes me
ahhh the life of a butterfly!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Flash 55 "Slick"

S=sassy, sexy, super

L=Likeable, luscious

I=icing on the cake, intelligent

C=Caring, Cautious, compassionate,considerate, cuddly, cute

K=Kind, Knowledgable

I have been called slick chick a couple of times before. Today, I thought was a great day to break down the meaning of slick, and I think I summed it up!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Please take a look at the below link

As most of you know by now my son who is two has Autism. In September we will be doing our Autism walk. I am providing a link for all of you who come to my blog to please click on. You can keep track of our team which is named Ryan the Lion in honor of my son, as well as make donations on this site. Autism will affect 1 out of every 150 child born each year. So come on and make a difference. Even though you personally may not know someone with Autism, you maybe incredibly surprised to know that Dan Akroyd the actor/comedian/husband/father has Autism.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Fash 55 (mysterious)

Smokey eyes
ruby red lips
toussled hair
was it all a disguise?
who is she?
what is she?
reflections flicker
from the past
or was it all really
her mind spinning
was it time
or would she play
the game awhile longer?
After all nobody
knew it was her,
or so she thought.

LOL and Happy Friday the 13th to everyone!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Flash 55 Artistry

She did it! The masterpiece was complete. It was bold and full of character. The little artist all of eight. Had tapped her fingers, shook her head and shed some tears. But in the end she did it. Another challenge accomplised. The little artist was all smiles as handed her artwork to her mom.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hey it is my 100th post and a good one it is

To everyone who comes here and enjoys reading my gibberish please take the time to click this link and read this little girls story as well as watch the video clips in red that show her progression over the week. As you all know Autism hit my home in August of 2008 sending my lil boy into the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit due to seizures that are associated with Autism. Thanks to all who come to my blog.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Furthering my medical knowledge and talents

Okay some of you may or may not know that I am back to school. I am furthering my studies in medicine. Anyways I just got my first grade on a quiz back and I am happy to announce I scored a 100 so I am so excited. Just wanted to scream that to everyone Yahoo!!! Okay now don't get too excited, I had one person say hey maybe you can sew me up one day. NO NO NO please don't go and do that to me lol. I would prefer to see a smile and no tears and I would prefer everyone stay healthy and not have to visit me in the work environment lol. So Take care all will keep you posted as my studies continue and all that good stuff. For those of you who do not know my profession is Nursing but I have been doing that for quite sometime Ciao for now