Friday, February 13, 2009

Fash 55 (mysterious)

Smokey eyes
ruby red lips
toussled hair
was it all a disguise?
who is she?
what is she?
reflections flicker
from the past
or was it all really
her mind spinning
was it time
or would she play
the game awhile longer?
After all nobody
knew it was her,
or so she thought.

LOL and Happy Friday the 13th to everyone!!!


Mona said...

Not just mysterious but interesting too! :D

Is that a typo in the heading or does that represent the fashion world SHE represents?

Cha Cha said...

Oh, what a way cool 55, Jade.

It sucked me in completely.

My interest is totally piqued about your mystery woman!

She sounds hot!!

And yes...

Happy Friday the 13th! I'm so excited!

Mojo said...

This reminds me of a Halloween joke I heard once... (the punch line goes, "but the guy I loaned my costume to had a great time).

Nice one!

(LOL... my verification word is "racksta". How fitting!)

Shadow said...

coool! i like this one!

G-Man said...

Wow...Great 55 girlie.
I'm so glad you came into the fold young lady.
You sure nailed this one.
Thanks for visiting, thanks for playing, and have a Great Week-End!t

Connie T. said...

Very nice 55. I

Akelamalu said...

I'm intrigued! Great 55 m'dear. :)

buffalodick said...

Friday the 13th brings it out, doesn't it?

Pam said...

oooo intriguing. great job on your 55. i'm up on ramblings and whatnot.

Donnetta said...

And no one knows who she is to this day? Does she know who she is? Sometimes the ones we fool are ourselves. D

Anonymous said...

Very interesting! What a great 55.