As most of you know by now my son who is two has Autism. In September we will be doing our Autism walk. I am providing a link for all of you who come to my blog to please click on. You can keep track of our team which is named Ryan the Lion in honor of my son, as well as make donations on this site. Autism will affect 1 out of every 150 child born each year. So come on and make a difference. Even though you personally may not know someone with Autism, you maybe incredibly surprised to know that Dan Akroyd the actor/comedian/husband/father has Autism.
Spooky sky
5 years ago
What a great idea.I hope the walk is a tremendous success.
Thank you so much Keith I hope so too.
I had no idea your son has Autism. I work with Autistic kids for 3 years. Good luck with the walk!
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