Huh what? No not now go away. As she wiped her hand across her face as if to make someone go away, she was still asleep but answering the voices. These voices visited her often. Somedays the voices had faces, somedays they were shadows. The shadows seemed to piss her off more than anything because, she knew she should be able to place the face to the conversation but, why was it so unclear. Who was it? Although most times she welcomed the voices and shadows, there were days she could live without the visitors and this was one of those days.
It began with spicey food, something she has learned she must never eat before going to bed. Not only do these wierd visitors and voices come to her but, she also gets the reflux which can totally result in lack of sleep and not to mention an over all piss poor attitude for those who have to deal with her the following morning.
Anyways everything seemed okay. She thought she was so darn tired from all the work recently that even the spicey food couldn't take away her sleep. She started to read but got bored five pages into it promising herself that she would definetly finish this book no matter what but tonight was not going to be that day. She channel surfed and thought of the what of could've beens in her life. Thought of the things that always had to be done that she never had time for but the things that really needed her attention. Always promising to get around to it. She thought of the people in her life, some she could do without and others she was grateful for every moment she has with them. Then there were the ones who over the years have passed on. There were memories that made her burst out laughing, there were the ones that brought tears, there was vivid rememberances of promises and conversations that had flown easily from one persons lips to her ears. She knew it was a great moment just to be able to hold onto the memories and to recapture them. Why could she not do so in her dreams? Why when it took a turn for the worse or got real serious could she not make out the shadow of whom was talking? All of that did not matter right at this moment for her eyes had grown real heavy, and she knew she should not fight sleep. She turned off her bedside light and closed her eyes.
She was in a field it was dark. The wheat was swaying back and forth. She was on the ground looking up, hands were dirty, clothes tattered. There was nobody there she called out wanting someone to hear her. She wasn't quite sure what had just happened but, whatever it was it hadn't been good. She believed it might have been a tornado but there was nothing there that was easy for her to recognize.
The voice kept calling to her it was hard to hear but then she did hear it, it got louder and seemed closer. She could see a person but not clearly it was a tall person and a male voice was yelling Run, Run, Run damn it we are over here! Trying to make her way to the shadow the voice that was so beckoning her to safety. The harder she tried, the shadow seemed to always be ahead of her. I can't, please help me, who are you? Run, Run, Run dammit we are over here! I can't I can't as she fell to her knees crying. No not now, go away as she wiped the tears from her face.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday scribblings prompt shadows or phantoms
Posted by Head Cookie at 11:23 AM 4 comments
Friday, January 23, 2009
Why I am at it. Another random Friday thought
I am not a drinker. I will have one at a wedding or something like that but on a regular basis it is nothing that I have to have. Well last night for some reason I was really wanting a mudslide. For those of you who are not familiar with a mudslide lets just say mmmmmm yumalicious. It is kahulua, baileys, and some rum and chocolate syrup drizzled in there and oh is it ever so good. I downed two like there was nothing to it. The effects soon followed but hey that was fine I was rather giggly lol. Anyways why is it that so many people feel like crap after drinking, and I feel just fine this morning? Makes you wonder is this how most people get hooked on it if so I never ever want another drink.
Posted by Head Cookie at 6:32 AM 5 comments
TGIF random thought
Okay is it me, or do I have a black cloud that looms above me? If so can someone anyone please zap it for me. I am so through with winter. Yes I can admit the snow is pretty there I said it. It is also fun to play in. I can also say it is enough already. So for the past couple of days the sun has been shining and the temps were brrrrific at the beginning of the week now towards the end of the week they are getting nicer okay well 38 is a heat wave right now. Here is the dilemma just as we get the warm weather and I am noticing more people in the last two days have actually been out and about walking and jogging we are once again going to get hammered with yet another storm. So is it me or what? Holy Crap!!! Anyone out there listening if you have an island can you please please let me stay there until winter is over? Thank you lol.
Posted by Head Cookie at 6:28 AM 3 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
Sundays Scribbling Prompt *Pilgrimage*
If I took a journey
to end up on my knees
to say a prayer in your honor
Would you see me?
Would you hear my pleas?
To see you one more time,
to hear your voice, to get a hug
or to hear another story that had
been told already once too many.
To hear you laugh
to take away your pain.
To let you know
you are thought about each and everyday.
You will never be forgotten
You are and will forever be in my heart
I miss you every day
Some days are harder than others
some days just make me smile
perhaps a tear or two just because
it would be better if you were here
To know you could talk to me
you could argue with me
you could joke with me
or even tell me what a pain
in the ass I am
I miss you and to you dad this is
my pilgrimage to you.
Posted by Head Cookie at 6:58 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Why is it that anytime you get really motivated to do something, something else happens? Like subzero temps, or perhaps a meteor falls on ya? I think we have all had these moments. I swear everytime I say no matter what this is what I am going to do something happens to say ha you wish chick. So someone out there tell me why lol?
Posted by Head Cookie at 5:52 AM 3 comments
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Sunday Scribblings prompt *Organic*
The dictionary gives this as one of numerous definitions of the word organic:
noting or pertaining to a class of chemical compounds that formerly comprised only those existing in or derived from plants or animals, but that now includes all other compounds of carbon.
To me this was an interesting prompt for Sunday Scribblings, I think that if we are creative enough there can be numerous takes on this prompt. So now here is my take on organic.
In todays world, we are encouraged to be healthy, to exercise, and eat things in moderation. Do we do this as a whole in society? No we do not. Do we indulge in all that we want? For the most part I would say yes.
What is moderation? What is healthy? What is exercise? Why the hype on organic free range foods?
I think everyone has to realize that moderation is going to vary from one person to the next. For one thing we are not all the same size, our metabolism rates aren't all the same, and everyone has certain criteria that just has to be met whether it be from a medical point, or just due to their genetic makeups to religious beliefs. So moderation will be determined by your bodies height, weight, and BMI=body mass index. So what does this mean? This means that due to a chart that may say that at 5'7 if you are a female you should weigh 133 lbs. However, this may not be good for all 5'7 inch tall females. Some women have large bones, some medium, some small. You may have a fast metabolism, you may have a slow one. You may be active and you may not. So your correct daily intake will depend on this. We do know that moderation is some key to weight loss and making you eat properly. We also know that eating six small meals a day is key to keeping up your energy as well as speeding up that metabolism if done with the proper foods. Such has protein, fruit, and veggies, nuts and berries and ofcourse plenty of water all day long.
Healthy to me is depending on how much you are willing to work to maintain your proper weight, eat a healthy diet and incorporating exercise. To some healthy may vary well be eating whatever, whenever and no exercise. Everyone has their own definition.
Exercise is movement. We all do it whether it is getting up from bed and going to the bathroom you have moved. So what is the big deal? The big deal is that you need to change up the routine. You need to warm up, speed up, and cool down. You need to do this atleast 4-5 times a week and get in atleast half hour to forty five minutes of it. You will see increase in energy, less fatigue, and perhaps you won't be as hungry. Also can help with decreasing stress, and helping to get you out of a catagory of unfit and heading for cardiac issues as well as other health issues that can be traumatic as well as fatal.
So why the hype on organic free range foods? Well the reason is cause these are foods that have not had additives or preservatives added to them to enhance their flavor, or color. You get them exactly as they are in the truest and puriest form. The hype is with the big alarm about our country being so obese, people are beginning to take notice. Some people are doing it cause it is the "fad" thing to do. These types of food will cost you much more than your grocery store foods. Can you find some in the grocery store yes you can. The best places to go are your whole food stores or stores like Trader Joes. They use local farmers who are all about being organic. They only use what is in nature to get the best of results. So what does organic mean to me? Organic means truly simple in its purest form.
Posted by Head Cookie at 2:45 PM 4 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sunday Scribblings prompt *For Richer or Poorer*
When I first saw this prompt I really didn't quite know which way I wanted to approach this. But by golly I think I got it now lol.
I am richer for knowing the things I do, I am richer for having been lucky enough to meet some really wonderful people.
I am poorer for not knowing all that I probably could, I am poorer for having met some really ignorant people and not being able to make them see things in a better light.
I am richer for having a loving family, I am richer to be greeted with their smiles, love and laughter.
I am poorer for not having all the family members I began my life with due to illnesses or just because they lived a full life and it was their time. I am poorer for knowing that some people don't have love, laughter, or smiles in their life instead they are always full of anger, frustration and hurt.
I am richer to have things that some people can only dream to have, I am richer for just loving life.
I am poorer for not being able to give all that I have to those that are less fortunate, although I do donate to charitable organizations and participate in walks and fundraiser it still isn't enough. I am poorer knowing that my love of life is something that someone else is missing out on.
I am richer for knowing that maybe some day my wishes for happiness, and good health to all will some day come true.
I am poorer for knowing that my wish for happiness and good health to all is simply a wish.
I am richer just for being me.
Posted by Head Cookie at 6:25 AM 7 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
This gives me goosebumps
I Am Autism
You never know how true it is until you have a kid or two with Autism..
Hello. Allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Autism.
Perhaps you know me or know of me. I am a condition, a "disorder" that affects many people. I strike at will, when and where I want.
Unlike Downs Syndrome or other birth "defects," I leave no marks on those I strike. In fact, I pride myself on the ability to infiltrate a childs life, while leaving him or her strikingly handsome. Many people may not even know that I am there. They blame the child for what I cause him or her to do.
I am Autism and I do as I please.
I am Autism. I strike boys and girls, infants and toddlers. I find my best victims to be boys around the age of 2, but any child will do. I like children and they are always the true victims, though I take hostage the others in the child's family as well. It is a bit like getting two for the price of one. I affect one child and infect the entire family.
I am Autism. I strike rich and poor alike. The rich combat me with education and therapy. The poor shut their children away and cannot afford to fight me. I am able to win in the lives of poor children more than I am of the wealthy, but I will try to take root anywhere.
I am Autism. I am an equal opportunity disorder. I like whites, blacks, Mexicans, Ukrainians, Russians, Poles, Slavs, Japanese, Koreans and Fins. In fact, I strike everywhere on earth. I know no geographical bounds. I am Autism. I do not discriminate based upon religion either. I strike Jews and Christians, Muslims and Buddhists, Atheists and Agnostics, Hindus and Rastafarians. I do not care what religion a person is or what beliefs he may hold. When I strike, there will be little time for any of that anyway. When they find me, they will question everything the believe in, so why would I strike any one group? I have affected followers of every religion on the planet.
I am Autism and I am strong and getting stronger every year, every month, every day, every minute, and every second. I am concerned that money might be alloted to combat me and my takeover of children, but so far I have little to fear.
Some countries, like Kuwait, are spending quite a bit of money to assist those who I have targeted and some, like the United States, would rather spend money on such ludicrous things as discovering the number of American Indians who practice voodoo, as opposed to combating me. In an atmosphere as that, I can flourish and wreck havoc at will. In places such as that, I rub my hands with glee at the problem I can cause to children, families and to the society at large.
I am Autism. When I come, I come to stay. I take the dreams and hopes of every parent and trample them with glee. I see the fear and confusion in the eyes of my victims and I see the formation of wrinkles, worries and ulcers and the pain on the face of their parents. I see the embarrassment their child causes because of me and the parents unsuccessfull attempt to hide their child and, me. I see tears and the parents cry and feel the tears of their child.
I am Autism. I leave sorrow in my wake.
I am Autism. I taketh and give nothing but bewilderment and loathing in return. I take speech and learning, I take socialization and understanding. I take away "common sense" and if I am allowed to flourish, I take away all but their physical life. What I leave behind, is almost worse than death.
I am Autism. I fear nothing except courage, which I thankfully see little of. I fear those who take a stand against me and attempt to fight me and bring others into the fight as well. I fear those who try to make it safe and easier for my victims in the community, and their families. I fear those who push ahead, despite the fact that I am in tow. I fear the day that I will be eradicated from the planet. Yet, I do not fear too much right now. There is no need.
I am Autism and I bet you know me or know of me. If you don't, you probably will soon. I am marching forward faster than I ever have before. I am looking for new children all the time. I dread the day I will be looked on with pity, or worse yet, understanding, for that day, is the day I will begin to die. But, I don't think that will happen for a long long time though, do you? In the meantime, I prowl onward, looking to cause pain and suffering wherever I go. I have so much work to do and thankfully, no one is stopping me.
Hello my name is Austim. Perhaps you know me or know of me................................. written by: © Marty Murphy Marty Murphy is an adult with Autism Spectrum Disorder who was born and raised in central Illinois. With her personal insite and presentations on autism across Illinois, Marty has made a tremendous impact on how parent, teachers and administrators look at our children's futures.
Posted by Head Cookie at 2:17 PM 2 comments