Friday, January 23, 2009

Why I am at it. Another random Friday thought

I am not a drinker. I will have one at a wedding or something like that but on a regular basis it is nothing that I have to have. Well last night for some reason I was really wanting a mudslide. For those of you who are not familiar with a mudslide lets just say mmmmmm yumalicious. It is kahulua, baileys, and some rum and chocolate syrup drizzled in there and oh is it ever so good. I downed two like there was nothing to it. The effects soon followed but hey that was fine I was rather giggly lol. Anyways why is it that so many people feel like crap after drinking, and I feel just fine this morning? Makes you wonder is this how most people get hooked on it if so I never ever want another drink.


Darlin_Jo said...

Jadey darling....take it from a bartender (yes I have moved up the hospitality ladder from waitress to bartender...people who have two drinks rarely are ill the next morning. It is those people who think they are invincible to the effects of alcohol and therefore drink in excess that are ill the next morning and most of the day.

On a daily basis I see people waste their days away in a bar and people RARELY have one or two drinks.


rebecca said...

yummy! and that's how it out! LOL!

Shadow said...

you are the lucky one who's not addicted to it. keep it that way!

Anonymous said...

I wake up with a headache if I don't have a drink the night before! Now that's worrying

Andy Sewina said...

If you drink you might feel rough in the morning but if you don't drink then that's the best you're going to feel all day! Or so they say!