Huh what? No not now go away. As she wiped her hand across her face as if to make someone go away, she was still asleep but answering the voices. These voices visited her often. Somedays the voices had faces, somedays they were shadows. The shadows seemed to piss her off more than anything because, she knew she should be able to place the face to the conversation but, why was it so unclear. Who was it? Although most times she welcomed the voices and shadows, there were days she could live without the visitors and this was one of those days.
It began with spicey food, something she has learned she must never eat before going to bed. Not only do these wierd visitors and voices come to her but, she also gets the reflux which can totally result in lack of sleep and not to mention an over all piss poor attitude for those who have to deal with her the following morning.
Anyways everything seemed okay. She thought she was so darn tired from all the work recently that even the spicey food couldn't take away her sleep. She started to read but got bored five pages into it promising herself that she would definetly finish this book no matter what but tonight was not going to be that day. She channel surfed and thought of the what of could've beens in her life. Thought of the things that always had to be done that she never had time for but the things that really needed her attention. Always promising to get around to it. She thought of the people in her life, some she could do without and others she was grateful for every moment she has with them. Then there were the ones who over the years have passed on. There were memories that made her burst out laughing, there were the ones that brought tears, there was vivid rememberances of promises and conversations that had flown easily from one persons lips to her ears. She knew it was a great moment just to be able to hold onto the memories and to recapture them. Why could she not do so in her dreams? Why when it took a turn for the worse or got real serious could she not make out the shadow of whom was talking? All of that did not matter right at this moment for her eyes had grown real heavy, and she knew she should not fight sleep. She turned off her bedside light and closed her eyes.
She was in a field it was dark. The wheat was swaying back and forth. She was on the ground looking up, hands were dirty, clothes tattered. There was nobody there she called out wanting someone to hear her. She wasn't quite sure what had just happened but, whatever it was it hadn't been good. She believed it might have been a tornado but there was nothing there that was easy for her to recognize.
The voice kept calling to her it was hard to hear but then she did hear it, it got louder and seemed closer. She could see a person but not clearly it was a tall person and a male voice was yelling Run, Run, Run damn it we are over here! Trying to make her way to the shadow the voice that was so beckoning her to safety. The harder she tried, the shadow seemed to always be ahead of her. I can't, please help me, who are you? Run, Run, Run dammit we are over here! I can't I can't as she fell to her knees crying. No not now, go away as she wiped the tears from her face.
Spooky sky
5 years ago
Love the puppies on the side......
Those are the worst kind of heart is pounding! Good writing.
Scary stuff! Brilliant piece.
Beautifully done.
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