Monday, October 20, 2008

Become Aware

Hi to all my blogging friends, and family!!!

I just want to make everyone aware of Autism and want people to become more observant of what autism is and who is effected by autism.

Those of you who may not know my son who turned two in August began having seizures just twelve days before his 2nd bday. He was first thought to be epileptic, that quickly was changed to non epileptic then when he had some more seizures that again became the thought. Until late August when I said to one of the docs that I believed he was a high functioning child of autism. I explained what I knew and what I had observed with my son. After the doc observed him for a few minutes he too agreed and said, "I think your on to something mom."

So now I have a great company associated with Autism who comes in and works with him. Autism needs to be put in headlines more and people need to make a stand for this disorder. A lot of the insurance companies will not cover for the necessary testing to get a diagnosis so that you can recieve special services and appropiate materials and techniques for school. So come on and help solve the puzzle of Autism.


Anonymous said...

I'm certain you will help in getting the message out there. I wish you and your son well.

Head Cookie said...

Thank you Keith. I will definetly be getting the message out as well as getting some bracelets out to everyone.

Shadow said...

thank you for making me aware. take care!