Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Princess Turns 6

Today is a very special day in my household. My youngest daughter, turns 6!

She started her day with a great big Happy Birthday from me and a hug and kiss. Then we had breakfast with the other sisters while lil brother Ryan slept in. Today was also the last day of school before the holiday break begins. So she ate breakfast then I surprised her with a Birthday Princess sash, tiara, and wand and two hair extensions one yellow and one multicolor with the yellow in it. Wedo kinda like yedo you know has evolved quite nicely into yellow over the years her fave color. I ordered the class pizza and she had a great day. She came home and I made her fave meal spaghetti and meatieballs lol and then her cupcakes adorned with what else but chocolate chips and peanutbutter chips lol. She got her Barbie castle and is in her glories. Her party for all her classmates will be held first weekend of January.


Shadow said...

happy birthday princess!!!

Keith's Ramblings said...

Happy birthday Princess! Have a lovely day.

Unknown said...

The princess is very cute. Happy Birthday Princess.