Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Random New Years Eve Thought

Has anyone ever been curious about the Tree of Life? Well I have. While doing some research I have noticed that just about every country has their own meaning behind the Tree of Life. Well my thought on the Tree of Life besides the obvious, that being that it is beautiful, is that I can see why there are so many meanings.

Well my meaning is a simplistic one. I believe that the roots of the tree are our beginning from birth, to our early years such as childhood up to the ending of the teen years. Boy does that cover a lot lol. Then there is the trunk. The trunk is big and strong and holds things together. This is where things become clearer to us and our futures and careers are shaped. So much goes on and many years are covered in this section. Then there are the branches that weren't so strong that broke and landed on the ground. What do they symbolize? They symbolize the lessons we have learned along the way of this journey called life. They are some friends that we may have cherished and lost along the way, family members who are no longer with us, relationships that were once great that are no longer. They are those opportunities you didn't seize they are the past but, they are memories that you will always have whether good or bad. Then there are the branches that are strong and still apart of the tree. Those are the new ties, new bonds, new relationships, new friends, new opportunities. They are all things that continue to nurture us on our journey of life. They are also the lasting imprint that we will leave for all to remember us by. I am going to try in any free time to do a little more research on the tree of life but, one thing is for sure I am happy with my description of what the tree of life holds for me.

Above are two pics of the Tree of Life.


Anonymous said...

Thoughtful post and one that hits home with me as so appropriate for the new year. Best wishes for your branches to stretch high to the skies of your dreams and your roots to become more grounded in 2009!

The Tree of Life is an important part of my cultural upbringing. I, too, find it interesting that it's present in many other cultures; I think that may be due to religious and/or historical reasons, but I'm no authority.

I use the Tree of Life in my artwork from painting to photography to collage work. I'm passionate about preserving trees in an environmental "green" way. Plus, I love writing about them, too, especially in poetry.

(See "Regal Moments" on my blog.)-
going to look around some more here!

Shadow said...

i like your view on the tree of life. welcome to 2009!

Keith's Ramblings said...

I love your desciption of the tree of life. Its perfect