Yesterday I posted the thought of the day regarding fish being brain food. Well after doing some brief thinking on the subject maybe they aren't so stupid after all. Why is this you ask? Well lets think about it. What do most fisherman do? They go early in the morning, or after getting off the night shift,them and their buddies go right? What else do they do? Well they usually pack a cooler with a few goodies then their alcohol of choice. They pick out the comfy spot where they have fished forever. They get comfy talk about how the fish aren't really biting right now, pop open a frothy beverage, eat a goodie, gab a few more minutes then say lets give it another hour or so. Well in this hour what do they do? Fall asleep, when they wake up they say damn still nothing, you got anything? Nope I haven't gotten anything not so much as a bite. Duh how would they know? So maybe that fish isn't some dumb after all or atleast not all fish are. Maybe the ones that get caught aren't stupid just toying with the fisherman making them think they got lucky and before they know it into the frying pan.
Spooky sky
5 years ago
maybe the fish want to end it all in waterworld and get caught deliberately
I think the fish have the last laugh - except for the odd few who get caught
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