Friday, November 21, 2008

Sunday Scribblings prompt (grateful)

I am grateful for many things. Kind of funny that everytime this year or more so at Thanksgiving in particular this topic becomes the biggest talked about subject.

I think that it shouldn't only be talked about at Thanksgiving time but why not throughout the year? I think we should all be grateful just to be able to wake up each day, to smile, to hear the birds chirp. I think we should be grateful for our health at the time whether its bad or not you are alive to see your family, friends, and another day. Be grateful just to be you and to think know matter how bad you got it someone else has it worse. Be grateful for your friends and your loved ones, especially your family know matter how dsyfunctional lol.


Stan Ski said...

A quick word of thanks often makes things worthwhile, but a good idea to set aside a day when genuine, sincere thanks can be expressed. I think also, thanks don't always have to be spoken - reactions, and demonstrations of our good influences, often serve a more poignant 'articulate' purpose than mere words.

Rinkly Rimes said...

You obviously have a lot of things to be thankful for. Good for you.

Keith's Ramblings said...

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves how fortunate we are

Shadow said...

every day brings something to be grateful for.

anthonynorth said...

Some important reminders there.

Linda Jacobs said...

The little things are what count. Thanks!

"Sunshine" said...

Very true!

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, yes, for sure! Nice post!

Rambler said...

grateful for our family and are right ...

Mary said...

I love the fact that this time of year reminds us to be grateful, but you're right, we need to be grateful all year round.