Hi to all my blogging buddies. Just a quick message to say hi. I want to be the first perhaps to use their blog to say I am thankful for all the people who come here and read my blog, so thank you all.
Now I will not forget Thanksgiving 2008, and why is that you may ask? Simple I am just returning from getting stitches. As I was cleaning out the fridge making room for all the goodies I had taken out a shelf and was cleaning and readjusting stuff when the glass fell out onto my toe and cut me through my slipper. So here I am with a fracture and stitches and yahoo Thanksgiving lol. So that was my adventure welcoming Thanksgiving this year.
I hope you all have a better start to your Thanksgiving than I did.
Spooky sky
5 years ago
aaah, poor you! does that mean you got off cooking, heee heee heee
nope I am still the cook lol.
I should have read this post before the one above! Put your feet up and let the others do the work!
I made a very successful holiday meal. I did well as the hop along cook lol.
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